Living Naturally, Frugally, & Wholly in Christ

Hello, dear visitor!

As you may or may  not have read, I am on a journey to live more naturally, frugally, and wholly in Christ Jesus, who gives us strength.

This blog will document that journey, and will also be used to encourage, inspire, and learn from others who perhaps have, will, or are interested in this worthy journey of life.

Blog Category Purpose:

Natural–how to live self-sufficiently, without all the chemical and conveniences that ultimately are harmful to our bodies and our environment

Frugal–how to live less expensively and how to live on a budget

Whole–how to live a good life, to be a better person, and to improve one self

In Christ (a devotion)–how to live as a better Christian and servant of Christ

Comment as much you like, and send in your stories of YOUR journey or contributions of how to live more naturally, frugally, and wholly. I will definitely welcome contributing articles.

If you would like to know more about me, you can go here. Or if you would like to know more about how this blog began, you can read the story here.

I hope this blog is edifying to you in your walk with God and your walk to have a more natural, frugal, and whole life! Enjoy these posts! 😀

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