Tag Archives: raquelhigdon

Take a Journey

19 May

I am taking a journey to live a more natural, frugal, and whole life in Christ. Would you like to join me? Oh! Well, perhaps you would like to KNOW me:

That, ^up there, is me.

Here are a few “facts” about me:

I live for God. <–Most important!
I’m an optimist, but I am also realistic…I hope.
Reading, acting, scrapbooking
I am very self-motivated and self-disciplined.
Sunshine makes me HAPPY and ENERGETIC!!!
I love to sing REALLY loud in a “deep” voice and make up silly lyrics!
Mountains amaze me. Waterfalls amaze me. Trees amaze me.
Laughing is the best medicine there is! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I meat, but I hate to think about killing animals. Especially bunnies.
Once upon a time I loved writing. And still do. The End.
I am not perfect. My life is not perfect.
And I hate when people assume both/either.
I love my family! I love my friends! I love the Lord!