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I’ll Be Back!

3 Jun

Hi, everyone. In case you have realized, I have not posted since the last day of May!

“What’s up with that?” you may ask.

I am taking a break this June from blogging so that I may re-evaluate my life and just have some one-on-one time with the Lord!

God is good, and He is worthy of all our praise, love, and devotion!

What A Day It Has Been!

30 May

Wow! I am sooooo *yawwwwwwwwwn* sleepy!

Since the wee hours of this morning, my dad has had our whole family outside weeding the flower beds and mowing/weed-eating the grass. The sky would rain, and then shine with sun, rain, then shine, rain, then shine–it became EXHAUSTING! haha I had a terrible “circle” to weed, and now my finger has a bandage on it. 😦 It is a little awkward to be typing now…haha 😀

I applied for an assistant teaching position with the AmeriCorps. I am sure I am not more qualified than the other applicants, as I have not attained a college degree, but I supposed it was at least good practice for writing a cover letter and resume (and if I get far enough: an interview!). If I receive the job–YAY! If not, then…well, my hopes aren’t too high.

I am also applying for a teaching position at a private Christian school of the “Great Books,” like Homer, Illiad, Shakespeare, etc. Their curriculum is one I am interested in, and again, it is good practice.

In Texas, my Aunt and Uncle are going to be starting their own Christian school within the next four years or so. Had I stayed in Texas, I would have most likely worked there; (not because I am a family member, but because I would be highly qualified).

Okay, there is an UPDATE from me! 🙂 Have a great day, everyone!

A Song to Remember

26 May

I always forget how many days are in each month, and I can NEVER remember the song that helps you remember…(I know, we’re supposed to learn this in 1st grade, if not Kindergarten, but I ALWAYS forget.)

In case you have this problem, too, I have written the song here for you to look back on and *cough cough* for me to look back on, too. Knowing how many days are in each month REALLY comes in handy for planning and organizing things!

30 days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, though February is underdone with 28, hold the line, leap year makes it 29.

In Honor of All the Rain…

25 May

Listen to this amazing choir create a rainstorm with their hands and knees and feet! Soooo neat! Enjoy! 🙂


Two Kinds of Refreshing!

25 May

Today has been a GRAND day…and I just wanted to update everyone on two kinds of “refreshing” that I experienced today.

The first has to do with my homemade deodorant recipe. Today and yesterday I have been only wearing that deodorant, instead of my commercial kind. I put on the homemade deodorant in the morning, and then I had to refresh and put it on again at noon both yesterday and today. Other than that, I have not had any problems with it. Since there is not a particular fragrance to the deodorant, I worry that I might “smell,” but no one has complained, and I don’t smell anything vulgar, so I guess I’m good!

Thumbs up for not stinkin'!

Also, on the lines of the deodorant, I have not decided what I will do if I have to go out for the day, since I have to refresh at about noon. I am afraid that the coconut oil would liquidate while in my purse.

Any suggestions?

The second refreshing I have experienced today is RAIN on my drying clothes outside!! Noooo! haha 🙂

I guess you could say it "rained on my parade" ... of clothes! haha 🙂

I had two loads of laundry on the line. The first had been drying for awhile, and I was going to take them off soon. The second load I had just put on, and so they were still pretty wet when the rain began to fall, and then to POUR! I rain outside and hurridely took my clothes off the line, receiving a refreshing of my own!

So with all my 7 reasons to line dry, and 1 reason not to, the 1 reason not to–rain– got in the way! haha 🙂 Stinkers, and I was being so careful, too.

Here in the Northwest where I live, the rain has been picking up lately for a “late-Spring” since we had a long winter. (Apparently, though, at certain places, it is still snowing!)

Anyhow, there’s an update for all of you! Please be sure to check out my latest book reviews: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway and Modesty by Nan M. Pamer! (With the rainy weather, I’ve been able to read more.) Have a great day!

Sunday Notice

24 May

Dear readers of this blog, you may have noticed that I have not posted on Sunday. This is the official notice that I will not be blogging on Sundays…unless, of course, I absolutely HAVE to. 😀

Part of this blog is “In Christ” (a devotion), and Sunday is a day that I devote specifically for Christ.

God bless all of you!

Take a Journey

19 May

I am taking a journey to live a more natural, frugal, and whole life in Christ. Would you like to join me? Oh! Well, perhaps you would like to KNOW me:

That, ^up there, is me.

Here are a few “facts” about me:

I live for God. <–Most important!
I’m an optimist, but I am also realistic…I hope.
Reading, acting, scrapbooking
I am very self-motivated and self-disciplined.
Sunshine makes me HAPPY and ENERGETIC!!!
I love to sing REALLY loud in a “deep” voice and make up silly lyrics!
Mountains amaze me. Waterfalls amaze me. Trees amaze me.
Laughing is the best medicine there is! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I meat, but I hate to think about killing animals. Especially bunnies.
Once upon a time I loved writing. And still do. The End.
I am not perfect. My life is not perfect.
And I hate when people assume both/either.
I love my family! I love my friends! I love the Lord!

Hello World!

19 May

 That’s what I said when I stepped onto my front porch!

Wow! What a beautiful world God has created. And it’s been here the WHOLE time? Why am I just now seeing it, as though I never had before?

I could feel the sunshine soaking through my skin. I could see the bright yellow dandelions, which look like smiley faces all across the expanse of green, green grass. I could smell the pleasant pine aroma of our tall pine trees. All of this beauty surrounding me.

I picked up a wishing flower, once a cheerful, wild dandelion flower, took a deep breath…and blew!

What did I wish for? **I can’t tell you, otherwise, it might not come true…**

Just know that from that step onto the front porch, from that delicious sensory “overload,” and from that wish– Zealous Dedication resulted.

Please join me, or simply read along, and be encouraged and inspired, as I take a journey to a more natural, frugal, and whole life in Christ.

So… “hello world!” I am ready to embrace you–just as God intended you to be.